restoration group




We believe all integrated businesses should thrive!

Redemptive Opportunity

Restoration Group is passionate about equipping business owners that are using their companies as a platform to restore lives of their employees, customers, and the communities they serve. As more integrated businesses thrive, we will see more of God's Kingdom here and now in OKC.

clay steves

Clay Steves is the CEO and founder of Restoration Group. He is passionate about walking with other small business leaders through both the obstacles and celebrations that come with integrating faith into business. Clay and his wife, Kirsten, have five children. They enjoy family time and travel, and you can most often find them caring for and loving on the people God puts in their path.


Business Model

Restoration Group provides coaching and team training for OKC-based small businesses that integrate their work into their Christian faith. We have lived some of the challenges that small business owners face when trying to integrate faith into workplace, and we believe we can help other small business leaders navigate - or even avoid - these obstacles. We have three primary ways to serve a business: implement a proven operating system, provide team development and teach integrated business principles. Restoration Group strives to partner with business owners and leaders for the long haul.

michael mead

Michael Mead serves as the VP of Business Development. He enjoys helping small businesses grow and thrive by teaching sound principles and implementing a scalable operating system. Michael has been married to his wife, Kimberly, for 7 years. They enjoy spending time with their son, Liam, and having dinner with friends as often as possible.
