rise program diversion cosmetology and barbering school




What better joy than to see a person leave a life of crime and embrace a second chance; understanding that often a student loan or tuition payments aren't possible for most involved with criminal justice system.

We are all about Kingdom Business because we know we are doing tough work and presenting goodwill work as the Hands and Feet of Jesus. We get the privilege of helping families stay together, ministering, mentoring, training, much like the disciples while being Ambassadors for Christ. We are genuinely concerned if people receive education, employment, and we sincerely want to see justice-involved people succeed rather than go to prison. We are good stewards of God's call, money, resources, and it is ours to give away. What better joy than to see a person leave a life of crime and embrace a second chance; understanding that often a student loan or tuition payments aren't possible for most involved with criminal justice system. We give all glory to God for the program and are grateful for all the shareholders that see God at work in the lives of these people. We prioritize ethical conduct in a way that proves we believe that all people are important, every background, walk of life, cultural experience, race and nationality. We know that God is our Accountability partner that keeps us in check and The Word of God is our Moral Compass. We believe what Proverbs 3:27 says "Do not withhold one good thing when it is in your power to give." We want to see all people succeed.

Redemptive Opportunity

For the last few decades, Oklahoma has incarcerated more people per capita than any other state. Our total has dropped to 2nd place in the past few years, however, it is apparent that we over sentence people to prison. We believe the meaningful impact will prove the importance in redemptive work, keeping families intact, putting people to work, saving tax dollars, and giving individuals a second chance. Our team is amazing, supportive, hands-on, prayerful, provides education, volunteerism, assistance, mentoring, and many other wrap-around re-entry services that builds up the "entire person."

christie luther

Christie Luther is the Founder and Executive Director of the RISE PROGRAM INC. Oklahoma's first and only Cosmetology and Barbering school in a women's prison. Christie felt the call of God on her life to become an Instructor and Trailblazer by doing something that had not been done in Oklahoma before, a Cosmetology trade school with women offenders after her own lived experience of incarceration. "If you see a need, you have been called" has become a mission statement for her own life.

Growing up in Memphis, Christie witnessed racial tensions, the cultural differences and the antiquated mindset tug-o-war caused her to pursue justice and fueled her passion to fight the good fight for those perceived as the "underdog." She is a grateful Believer in Jesus, an Instructor, mom of 2 daughters, she rides a Harley, loves travel, cultures, languages, and learning. Christie received a Pardon from Gov. Stitt in 2020, serves on the Board of Directors for the Cosmetology and Barbering Board, NABBA, a SALLT Graduate, an Oklahoma Celebrate Recovery Inside State Representative, owner of RISE PROGRAM Transitional Living Home and RISE Diversion School.

Christie loves her relationship with our Father, likes to be an encourager, cheerleader, mentor, innovative, generous and problem solver.

Contact: resurget.cineribus13@gmail.com

Business Model

This business will help solve the problem of "lack of diversion/alternative to prison" programs, keeping families together and provides education instead of incarceration. We will provide education, training, employment for justice involved people, and services for public. Our unique value proposition is Education instead of Incarceration and lowered recidivism rates for Oklahoma and employment for our justice involved graduates. We feel we are set apart because we are a not-for-profit school and we do not have competitors in our industry with the same mission. We are established and recognized for the work we do in prisons and with justice-involved people with real-lived experiences. Our capital plan is to see a need and meet that need by operating with an optimistic spending curve that is defined, taking into consideration budget, expansion, and hiring. Currently, We work together with our strong Board of Directors, staff and accountant to look at the operational costs but we also want to learn and grow as our venture grows.